Where to Begin? An Introduction to Dredd.
Isn't this always the difficult question?
In 1696, one of the real pirates of the Caribbean, Henry Every (aka Henry Avery, Henry Evry, Henry Avary, John Avary, Long Ben and Benjamin Bridgeman) disappeared from the record having been one of the most feared and successful pirates of his day.
We'll discuss more about Every later. You see, this blog isn't about pirates, per se. This blog is about accumulating your own treasure and getting away with it before Wall Street, the governments of the world, or any number of scheisters and con artists that are coming out the woodwork have their chance to take it from you.
In that, we draw inspiration from Captain Every.
What This Blog Is
This blog is primarily targeted at those people that want to understand what's *really* happening in our financial world. Some people believe that the economies of the world are in recession and will soon return to normal. Others believe that this is the end of the world as we know it. We here at the Dredd Market Report believe that neither of these is the truth, and we're going to set out to try and prove it.
The 'net is loaded with financial blogs and economics and markets discussions. To really participate in those (as we here at Dredd do), you need to have a solid understanding of the basics. There's a lot of misinformation out there. Hopefully, after taking time to read this blog for a while, you'll invest some time in increasing your own level of understanding. Don't take our word for what's going to happen--it is imperative that you, dear reader, spend some time educating yourself and thinking critically about the world around you. We here at Dredd believe that unless we have a larger number of people engage in critical thinking about many of the economic issues around us, the future may be very bleak.
We intend to cover global events. Look at markets. Educate people on fundamentals and technical analysis, understand the impact of politics, challenge the status quo, and otherwise predict the future. Yes, we'll make predictions. We'll get some right, and we'll get some wrong. We'll also be ready to manage the situation no matter which way it goes. That is the way of the successful pirate.
We're going to challenge your thinking, dear reader. We're not here to make friends. We're here to make you think.
What This Blog Is Not
First and foremost, we hate spoonfeeding. We're not registered investment advisors, nor are we in this to sell you something (though we will offer some stuff in the future--like t-shirts and stuff to help support the blog). In short, we're not here to help you get rich quick. If anyone says they can and you believe it, then let me introduce you to Dredd's Rule #1:
- Don't be an idiot.
In Conclusion
There's still a lot of work to be done on this site, and on a few others to come. We still are not sure how it will all evolve. But, we have an ambitious agenda to create a better tomorrow, and you, dear reader, are part of that ambition. Here at the Dredd Market Report, we hope to provide enough new information, in a clear and concise way, such that we help conribute to the return of critical, reasoned thinking--a Neo-Renaissance of sorts. We are at a very important inflection point in the world, and it is ever more important that people really, really think about what's happening around it. Keeping your treasure requires understanding the system, the risks, the rewards, who's on your side, and having an exit strategy.
We hope you won't always agree with us, but that you can disagree because you've reached a different educated opinion. In our modern world of soundbites and short attention spans, we have all gotten lacksidasical and intellectually lazy. Our forefathers would be ashamed.
Now we've come full circle. We're back to the question, "Where to begin?" Hopefully we've done a reasonable job setting your expectations of what's to come. With that said, we shall begin at what we hope is a reasonable beginning. Bear with us. There's a lot of ocean to cover, the hour is late, and the enemy is in pursuit.
Welcome to the Dredd Market Report.