On Politics...Rights, Priviliges and Freedom
As a general rule, we have little to no faith in politics. After all, the purpose of government is to govern (at least in theory), and governing implies controlling. We don't particularly feel the need to be controlled, nor can we, in good conscience, support a system that seeks to control us or others. We tend to align ourselves philosophically with the Founding Fathers of the United States, which we believe are turning over in their respective graves at the ridiculousness of the conservatives, liberals, Republicans and Democrats--all socialists in our book--and we believe in the book of the Founding Fathers.
You see, the inherent problem in government is that it is supposed to govern. However, the Founders believed in individual sovereignty--that each person governs himself. It is quite clear from the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation (to a lesser extent, the Constitution) that the design of the law of the land was to limit government, not individuals. Today in American politics, the debate is never about individual sovereignty, it is always about which rights the political system should be allowed to trample upon. America, as a country founded on the key principles of individualism and freedom has been gone a long time now. The countries of the world only exist in various forms of collectivist state control, or statism. Some are more controlled than others, and some are so incompetent that they can't control anything. Most states are at odds with other states--and this is the central key to our current tenet in living free. But we digress....
It appears these days that everyone believes that some person or body of persons must dictate how everyone should live. This is a far cry from the intent of the Founding Fathers, whose philosophy was built on the concept of natural, inalienable rights. The idea of natural rights is rooted in the writings of John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rosseau, and the ancient Greek and Roman philosophers including Plato and Aristotle. Unlike today's typical politician, much less the typical citizen of most any country, the Founding Fathers were well read and used that knowledge to create a minarchist (meaning "minimal government") system of government that revolved around the concept that the individual had natural rights (call them inalienable, God-given, whatever you wish) that supercedes the laws of man, and the only purpose of government was to protect those natural rights. This is the crux of the problem today. People that believe they defend freedom and the core values that helped make the United States the most prosperous and free country in the history of mankind erroneously believe that governments determine their rights. If this is the case, then rights are just laws with no particular meaning and can be changed on a whim. As the US has become a democracy instead of a republic, then enough people can vote in politicians that change the laws to suite their desires, and the end result is a tyranny of democracy--a dictatorship of the many.
Governments do not bestow your rights. Governments cannot ever take your rights away. Governments can only violate your rights, and when they do, they restrain your freedom. This is in direct violation of the principles of the foundation of the United States.
What exists today is not freedom. It is not the intent of the Founders. It is not what made the United States the beacon of freedom and prosperity that it was for a couple of hundred years.
So what can you do about it? You can become politically active. You can try and educate yourself and others (good luck with that!). But the reality is that it is not likely to be effective until the entire system breaks down and the illusions of freedom that people have disappear. Meanwhile, Americans--as an example--will continue to vote for their favorite red or blue team. The socialists on the coast will complain about the socialists in the interior and vice versa. Both groups will call one another names and point fingers while never realizing they are really not much different at all on the important issues. Eventually the snake eats its tail.
It is our opinion that the best option for people that "get it," regardless of where they are in the world, recognize the reality around them and take action to defend themselves and their families. Let the statists, of whatever color, fight amongst themselves. You can live free in an unfree world if you take the time to learn how. You must learn to protect your privacy and use multinational, legal techniques to protect your economic and social freedoms. You must learn to exist between the bickering states, maximize your options, and be willing to go where you can do what you want to do. This is what freedom is: self-governance. It is possible today. It may not be possible if you wait too long. Sign up to our newsletter to learn more.
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