What to Expect in the Newsletter
We had a couple of questions about the newsletter regarding content. Perhaps it involves a bit more explanation, and we'll try to cover what to expect today, with a bit of background to add color.
Those that have followed the blog, and many who have kept up with us directly even when the blog was on hiatus, know that our push has been primarily financial. In fact, the purpose of this blog was originally to attempt to educate people on the upcoming devaluation of currencies in the West, notably the US. In fact, to those that knew us on financial boards, we had been preaching the gold investment game since 2003 (and we were late to the dance on that one by a couple of years!). What is happening now is nothing new--it is the result of mankind's cyclical behavior. There really is nothing new under the sun. The world moves in cycles, and mankind's behavior is the result of predictable human behavior over a long enough timeline. Once you study it, it truly is remarkably predictable, and as a result, manmade structures and events (like financial markets and governments) are very cyclical in nature.
Unfortunately, the truth is that very few people will ever use history as a guide to determine what's likely to come. People are more concerned with leisure and convenience than with work and understanding. The herd is infinitely predictable, which is why they always end up being wrong!
Thus, the original goal of this blog--education--was largely a failed enterprise. People don't want to be educated, they want to fattened up and not know that the fattening is for the slaughterhouse. Thus, this blog has existed in relative obscurity since inception.
Meanwhile, we have been busy both protecting ourselves financially AND from the rest of the largely predictable outcome of current events: at some point, things will become very disorderly. Governments will grasp onto the last vestiges of their power with everything they have left before they die. This is the way of the free markets and the results of government largess and human lethargy. Most fail to see that what we face is the destruction of institutions trying to control the free (natural) markets and course of events. This is, in a perverse way, creative destruction.
Thus, our mission here has changed somewhat. The people that survive this upcoming event, figuratively (and perhaps, literally) speaking, will do so because they have prepared themselves. There's a very real chance than buckling down and hiding out on a remote piece of property with stored food and weapons won't really cut it at all. What is needed for protection is something different--an ability to remove oneself and one's property from the reactionary nature of failed states and institutions. If you and your property are within their grasp, you and it are not safe.
Broken institutions are dying. They will take down many people. To avoid being one of those people, you need options. Having options requires having knowledge, and at this stage, connections. We have the tools that can supply you with those options. That's what the newsletter will cover.
To be free, you need a few things:
- an understanding of what freedom is and is not (shattering of your illusions)
- financial freedom (a means of independent self-sustainability)
- privacy (a means of minimizing your risk to dying institutions struggling to maintain the status quo)
In addition to education and providing actionable steps and options, we will uncover new opportunities to protect what you have and take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime-or-two historical event. Dislocations are the source of opportunity if you are prepared for them.
When the Titanic first struck the iceberg, the vast majority of passengers ignored the event while a few headed for the exits. By the time the masses realized the magnitude of what had occurred, the run on lifeboats was tremendous. Which group of people do you want to mimic? Contact us directly or sign up to the newsletter sign up list below if you want to get on a lifeboat before it's too late.
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