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Friday, June 26, 2009

Perhaps the Most Important Video Clip You May See Today

The Fed and the government think printing more money is what we need to solve our problems.

Take a look at this old educational video from Harding College in 1948 and note that what we need is more innovation, more capital (which is money that comes from savings, not just printing) and more freedom.

Note that at around 6:40, the narrator makes a statement about how much our money bought in the Great Depression. If the Fed and the government get their way, costs will only rise as the economy stagnates--fewer jobs, lower pay, higher costs. It will be money that buys less not more.

At around 7:15, there is a depiction of what happens when the state takes freedom. Look familiar? Guess what, folks...we're pretty much there. The United States has been sliding into fascism for some time. This crisis is just the thing that appears to be finishing the job as the state seeks to take over healthcare, job creation, energy creation, eternal foreign wars, control over money, and an increasing police state presence.

The government controls too much. The manipulations of the economy, the weakening dollar, the financial bubbles, the rampant abuse of Wall Street--none of this would be possible without a strong government that enforces this behavior through power to monopolize. Government creates the monopoly on money and the monopoly on force. People have become dependent on government for their very survival. This is going to have catastrophic consequences in the near future.


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