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Monday, June 22, 2009

What Color Are Your Glasses?

As a general rule, everyone views the world through their own filter based on their own experiences. Some people are selfish. Some are giving. Some had good childhoods; some bad. There are left wingers and right wingers. There are the religious and the atheists. We are different ethnicities, come from different countries, and have different socioeconomic backgrounds. Etc, etc.

It is important to understand your own filter since it predisposes your belief system. It can cloud your judgment when non-emotional decisions are required (and in the world of markets and economics, emotion is your enemy). It is also important to understand the filter of the person with whom you're dealing.

The pirates here at Dredd Market Report are of the free-thinking sort. No one ever got away with their treasure by asking permission, thinking inside the box, or blindly following anything. We believe in the freedom of the open seas and take exception to those that would deprive us of the right to our own property, our own choices, and of course, our loot.

Over time, dear reader, this philosophy will become quite clear. We avoid labels because they color your glasses. But it won't take too long to realize that we would rather take our chances and fail than to trust in another person blindly and succeed.

Thus, when reviewing our commentary, note that our filter is one where there is an inherent distrust of consolidated power--by companies, by governments, by religion, by authority in general.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

So you will rarely see us side with the thought that we need more government, more regulation, more centralization of power. Quite the contrary. We side with finding freedom in an unfree world.

That's the beginning, dear reader. You should know with whom you're dealing.


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