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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

For Your Evening Entertainment

This should be just the thing after a long day at the poles, voting for no change...

We've been "on again, off again" with the videos from This one is worth watching. Grab a chair and some Rolaids.

Note that we don't entirely agree with everything in the video, though we do agree with most of it. It is our opinion that the proposed solutions--hiding out on a farm with your precious metals and food stores when the time comes and "banding together" to bring about real change are all in the realm of fantasy (also known as "hope," a four letter word). If and when things get bad enough for a currency collapse--or the "corollary that ends the same", deflationary default and collapse--then what you need are the tools to be far away with as many of your assets untouchable as possible. If the US government ever builds a wall to protect its borders, it will be to keep Americans in, not foreigners out.

Preparing yourself by legally structuring businesses, legally obtaining a second citizenship, legally hold overseas assets, guarding your privacy, and safeguarding your money are not in the realm of fantasy. Forget Mad Max. If the situation ever gets that bad, you want options. You're no Mel Gibson.


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